Comic Book Conventions – 3 Awful Truths About Selling at Comic Cons

There are tens and thousands of comic conventions held around the world each year. Local comic cons in your nearby city can draw nice crowds and the large national cons in San Diego and Chicago are packed houses with countless tens and thousands of eager comic buyers.

So, selling your comic books at conventions can potentially produce big money for you, but you ought to anticipate to accept 3 awful truths…

1. The awful truth about national comic cons. Buying space to sell your comics at national cons is likely to be expensive and will sell out quickly. You may also have traveling a considerable ways to obtain there comicvine. If this happens you’ll need to figure out a method to transport your comic books there and pay for hotel and sleeping room space. Overall, this is going to be a pricey experience for you. However, the crowds at the large national cons could be enormous and the pace is fast and furious. It’s not unusual to sell $1000.00 worth of comics in 30 minutes and cope with a brand new collector or buyer every 30 seconds. At the conclusion of your day, you can come home tired and exhausted…but potentially hundreds or even tens and thousands of dollars richer.

2. The awful truth about some (not all) local comic conventions.If the neighborhood convention near your home is not well-publicized, you will find yourself sitting all day, where no one appears and you wonder why you decided to waste every day packing up your comics and plunking down $50 for a table. At the conclusion of your day, you can potentially come home very frustrated and angry. …with only some dollars in your pocket to exhibit for a day’s work. However, unlike national conventions, buying space at there is cheap and you can rest at home is likely to bed by the end of your day and an area comic con — if it is well-publicized — can allow you to sell lots of comics.

3. The awful truth about your competition.Needless to say, all comic conventions – large or small — are competitive because other comic dealers is there set up only some feet far from you. At the bigger comic conventions, there will be dozens of other comic dealers and collectors who is likely to be offering countless tens and thousands of comic books – many offering the same comics as you have. So, if you have your comics priced right or unless they’re extremely scarce, you can get passed up by most collectors, many of whom is there trying to find bargains.

However, not everything is really dark and gloomy. I’d like to offer you one big positive to selling at comic cons. Simply by investing in a table, finding the time to set up properly, you gain equal footing with dealers who’ve been selling comics for decades. Which means that not only will you sell your comics, but you can now buy comics from other dealers at wholesale prices and turn around and resell them at retail…or for profit.

If you are prepared accept these 3 awful truths and the risks involved, then selling your comic books at comic cons can be quite a good way for you make money from your comic collection.

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